Bev Moran

Horse mad from a very early age, Beverley owned her first horse when she started work. Since then, not a day has gone by, when there was not a horse or two in her life and almost without exception, every one of them became lifelong partners. 

Beverley says she was always very competitive and over the years, has enjoyed various disciplines. She became intrigued with Parelli in the late 1990’s when she saw a friend back her pony into its stable, with a wiggle of the finger! After passing level 1 Beverley drifted away from the program, returning a few years later, like so many people, when she found herself with a new and very challenging horse. This was RBE and so a new level of learning began.

After seeing Alison and David in action at the Parelli Celebration events, Beverley found them living almost on her doorstep! Eager to learn and have a greater understanding of Parelli, she joined the team at the end of 2012 and continues her journey when time allows with LBI Edward.

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